Tuesday 25 January 2011

Hitch- Opening analysis

Opening- Hitch

From the opening of this film we can gather that the genre is a romantic comedy. We can mainly tell this from the voice over by Will Smith who is saying about what guys need to do to get the woman of their dreams. The comedy element from this opening is from the first showing of how the character goes about setting up the males and the females. The clever yet funny way of how he sets up the male and female character and how it works adds to the light hearted comedic factor.

The non diegetic happy background music used throughout the opening sets a happy, romantic and light hearted funny atmosphere. It makes the audience feel relaxed and intrigued about what the rest of the film will involve. The voice over by Will Smith shows that his character will be the main character in the film and helps set up the narrative of the film. From the opening we can perceive that the narrative will be about a matchmaker character setting up other male characters with their dream women. It shows that Will Smith's character uses his matchmaking skills for his job and the narrative will evolve around this. The fact that the matchmaker character is wearing a suit illustrates that he views his matchmaking as a business. The setting is in a city and public areas depicting that these settings will follow throughout the film and adds to the business view of the matchmaker.

The titles used in the opening of this film are quite sophisticated and can be associated with business. This is adding to the perception of the main character using his matchmaking skills as a business. As the titles have a sophisticated feel it can show that the relationships created throughout this film will be sophisticated and romantic. The themes that can be depicted from the opening are love, relationships and light hearted humour.

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