Thursday 17 November 2011

G321- Re-Sit - Evaluation Question 5

How did we attract our audience?

We attracted our audience by creating a very recognisable domestic setting which has created verisimilitude. We have included everyday items on the office desk including magazines, stationary, photos etc. The reality we have created, has allowed the audience to connect with the character and the obstacles she may come across. The character can be viewed to be similar to that of an everyday person and represent a large portion of the population and this can make the character very inviting towards the audience.

The face of the main character has not been revealed to the audience in the opening of the film. This is another element we have used to attract the audinece. By not showing her face we have created a sense of mystery and curiosity for the audience and have left them wanting to know more and find out who she is. We have used the voiceover, props and costumes as the only glimpse of the characters identity. The female voiceover is very sweet and calming and this is another element that we added to attract our audience. It can make the audience feel at ease and in the right mood to watch the film. The voiceover is talking about love and this is a popular topic which all audiences can relate to. By choosing a broad topic it allowed us to attract a wider audience.

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